Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Techie us

Hey readers,

The way technology has evolved is amazing. I'm not talking about the rocket science or medical science. I'm talking about the world of apps and mobiles. Today one of my cousins introduced me to 2 different apps that sort of had me thinking about the time where simple texting was such a craze. The app is Snap chat. Apparently, you take a picture or video which will be visible to your contacts for about 10 seconds and then it's gone...Whooshhhh...just like that!!!  Apart from that it has a Story feature which lets you keep the pic for 24 hours and then goes whoosh again. Also you get a notification as to who has taken a snap shot of your pic. Amazing na.. I wonder what inspired the developers to make an app like that. It will definitely will be interesting. If anyone has watched Internship movie then they will get what I am trying to say. ( It's a part where all the mismatched team members bond over a night and suddenly come up with the idea.. it's much more interesting than I'm explaining it ). If you haven't seen the movie yet, please do. It's amazing!
So back to the topic... So the next one is not exactly an app but a feature that my basic android mobile lack of!!!  It's called Wi-Fi Direct. Any huge file you have that will take forever to get attached to the mail it or send via Bluetooth, this feature is your ultimate savior!!  It transfers your file at much faster rate. If you are also sulking at your handset for lacking such a handy feature like me then there's a silver lining in the cloud, you can download it from the app store. I'm not sure it works the same way or not, but I have downloaded both the apps and I can't wait to use them.

These apps and virtual world is very alluring. I love them but sometimes it seems that the virtual world is much more glamorous than the real one. I hardly have seen someone who doesn't check upon their mobile in every 10 minutes whether or not you receive a notification (including myself). A day without mobile or even turning off your data connection once in a while could balance that. So today @ night instead of chatting in the virtual world, try doing the same in real world. Go to a park, talk, hangout with friends/family, take a walk. Do anything that doesn't involve the mobile or television or any other techie stuff... or take a vacation without your mobile and I guarantee you that you will love it and feel more relaxed than you have ever in a while. I'm not saying don't be in touch with technology or move forward with the world...But sometimes kicking back your feet and doing nothing but talk with someone feels liberating too.

So until next time...stay techie and
Have a wicked day, reader!!

Monday, 10 November 2014

Something old, something borrowed

Hey readers,

 So like I said in my previous post, we have a huge wedding coming up in our family. My big sis is getting married!!! So this post is just for you my sweetheart sister!!!! That's me and my cousins with our grandparents.

So what can I tell you about my elder sister! I have spent almost all of my childhood summers with her and my other cousins (5 pandavs hehe ). We couldn't wait for vacations or festivals or any other occasion to meet and have fun and have our endless talks. I mean even today we can talk for hours and still feel like we had less time to spend.

Walking down the memory lane I can remember playing badminton in the evening at our grandparent's, watching cartoons like Popeye or Tom n Jerry, going for morning walks with our Nana and Nani, teaching new dance moves ( I even have an embarrassing photo of mine..which I'm never posting online, in case you are wondering), making cake for the first time with Britannia biscuits (melting Cadbury's dairy milk and decorating it with Cadbury's gems), giving a rundown of things that happened in school, birthdays, watching Harry Potter series, navratri nights, sleepovers and there are so many more that I can list here but then this post will be awfully long. What I want to say is that she has been in almost all of my important event and all 5 of us have always looked out for each other (even though sometimes we do fight and go for each other’s throat), and if you are reading this Big sis then on behalf of the 4 of us- We want you to know we love you and will miss you like crazy and we couldn't have been more happy for you.

So readers if you have such mindblowingly fabulous brother/sister/cousins as I do, spend as much as time you can with them, make wonderful memories and cherish each other. Because no matter how much time you spend with your family, it's always priceless.

So until next time, love more, have fun more, live more...But more importantly...

Have a wicked day, readers ;)

Friday, 7 November 2014

Msging in short !

Hey readers,

  So today before I start to talk about messaging and how it has evolved lingual-wise, I would like to take a moment here to thank my readers who crossed my total views more than a hundred(yeahiiiii to me ..). Many of my friends and family read my blogs recently b'coz I informed them just now…As I have an amazing memory power (loaded with sarcasm…) they loved it and gave my tips along with showering praises. I feel loved guys. Thank you guys. It meant a lot to me.

Now back to our topic...”Messaging". Who doesn't love to text!! It's easier, quicker and cost efficient than a call. Remember those mobile without touch and had keypad with 3X4 format or QWERTY format. How our keypad used to make tipper tapper sound and the rhythmic flow of our hand! We used to have SMS plans and now its whatsapp, wechat, Line and what not. Anyways that stuff will be for another post but what I actually wanted to point out was the texting language we use.

SMS=short messaging service. But we have somehow managed to make it yet shorter than it is. Constant abbreviation of words has left us using it on official papers too. Thank god for auto correct on my mobile or else this entire post would have been in short forms!! 
One of my friends recently used a short form which left me laughing. She said: mnsn nt dear. Now I had to ask her what she meant by "mnsn" here and suddenly it clicked- Mention. (I'm still chuckling...)
So I kind of Googled few hilarious short forms for you to enjoy!

1daful - It means wonderful
LMBO- Laughing my butt off
BAY – Back at ya
NAGI- Not a good idea (this cracked me up for good... hehe)
ORLY- Oh, really?
PAW- Parents are watching
TIME- Tears in my eyes
WTH - What the heck?
WTPA (noo it's not what you think dirty minds!!)- It means " Where the party at?"
SMHID – Scratching my head in disbelief (seriously what???)
LYLAS- love you like a sister
AYV – Are you vertical? (In which context am I ever gonna use that???)
WEG- wicked evil grin
SLAP – Sounds like a plan (quite handy for double meaning, WEG  ...Saw what I did there, eh!!) URTM – You are the man
AAK – Asleep at keyboard (then how r u typing, dude??)
W@ – What?
YIU - Yes, I understand
SWL – Screaming with laughter (I doubt that is even humanly possible)

Honestly I wonder how on earth do they remember so many acronyms for simple words!! Anyways I'm not complaining it's up to the people who use it and everyone works differently. With posting these weird acronyms, I take a leave and I hope U had an LOL moment by reading these just like me.  Until next time...

Have a wicked day, reader! 

WEG - Wicked Evil Grin
Love You Like A Siste
Love You Like A Siste

Eat, Sleep, Recycle ;)

Hey readers,

   Have you noticed the change in the atmosphere lately ? I definitely have !!  It's chillier in the morning than usual,  a bit dry air has started blowing all day long and evenings are arriving upon us way to fast. It's almost winter. Few of the morning joggers might have dug up their old sweaters too !  If you don't remember where you kept your warm clothes,  you better start digging in now. And while you're at it,  you might as well take out some of your old stuff like bottles, single sock, sweater that doesn't fit but don't have a heart to donate, etc.
Today I will tell you how to recycle those old things and create something new!  I'm not going to show you any extensive DIY (do-it-yourself) exercise, but very easy stuff that anyone can follow( especially lazy people like me ) . So here it is !!!

#1. Bottles
So no matter what size of plastic or glass bottles you have, I have DIY ideas for you.
You can put many holes on the cap of the big plastic bottle and use it as a showering can for plants. As it already has a handle to hold, it's easy to pour on plants.
You can put holes on the bottle and plant it inside the pot when manuring for new plant and pour water from above to keep soil moist.
That's how it will look!!!      
25 DIY Ideas to Recycle Your Potential Garbage
This is one way for gardening lovers to keep their soil moist.

#2. Ladle handle
These can found in kitchen and everyone definitely have few old ones to throw out. I would advice otherwise as these ladle handle can be used as decorative candle holder, maybe right outside your door or in your garden/open sitting area. This idea can come handy if you are holding party at night in your lawn or patio.
                             25 DIY Ideas to Recycle Your Potential Garbage

#3. Anything of glass
Everyone has a pair of spectacles or used bulbs or some light glass plate lying around which eventually ends up in garbage. Well here's an interesting idea to glam up your room. You can re-use these glass things an "sunlight catcher". All you need is permanent marker of your color choice. Draw patterns or just color some part of the glass and hang it near the window and enjoy the color/s it throws around !

#4. Keys
Next up is re-using old and no longer in use keys  by turning them into wind chimes. Interesting, eh ?
Wind Chime Made Using Old Keys

Anyone who has old hat/s lying around that is no longer in style, this one is for you. Just put a hole for wire to pass through and attach the bulb from below. Nice na !

#6. CDs
With songs and videos in mobiles and ipods, old CDs have become redundant and there might be few lying around. So here's how you can use it. Cut them in pieces and use it's reflective part as a decorative item.
Photo frame decorated with CDs pieces

#7. Bowls
If you have used bowl that is not in use then you can tie few strings from it and convert it into "bird feeder" and hang it on your terrace or in  the garden.

So these were few ideas that I thought are so easy to do and yet receive such a creative result. By posting these ideas, I'm not encouraging you towards not donating your stuff  but rather encouraging to use things (that are definitely going out ) once or twice more before throwing it in trash can. The next time you come across such old and not-in-use items, you know what to do.
   Did you know DIY improve your IQ by 50 points. How cool is that !!
Until next time...

  Have a wicked day, readers !!