Friday, 7 November 2014

Msging in short !

Hey readers,

  So today before I start to talk about messaging and how it has evolved lingual-wise, I would like to take a moment here to thank my readers who crossed my total views more than a hundred(yeahiiiii to me ..). Many of my friends and family read my blogs recently b'coz I informed them just now…As I have an amazing memory power (loaded with sarcasm…) they loved it and gave my tips along with showering praises. I feel loved guys. Thank you guys. It meant a lot to me.

Now back to our topic...”Messaging". Who doesn't love to text!! It's easier, quicker and cost efficient than a call. Remember those mobile without touch and had keypad with 3X4 format or QWERTY format. How our keypad used to make tipper tapper sound and the rhythmic flow of our hand! We used to have SMS plans and now its whatsapp, wechat, Line and what not. Anyways that stuff will be for another post but what I actually wanted to point out was the texting language we use.

SMS=short messaging service. But we have somehow managed to make it yet shorter than it is. Constant abbreviation of words has left us using it on official papers too. Thank god for auto correct on my mobile or else this entire post would have been in short forms!! 
One of my friends recently used a short form which left me laughing. She said: mnsn nt dear. Now I had to ask her what she meant by "mnsn" here and suddenly it clicked- Mention. (I'm still chuckling...)
So I kind of Googled few hilarious short forms for you to enjoy!

1daful - It means wonderful
LMBO- Laughing my butt off
BAY – Back at ya
NAGI- Not a good idea (this cracked me up for good... hehe)
ORLY- Oh, really?
PAW- Parents are watching
TIME- Tears in my eyes
WTH - What the heck?
WTPA (noo it's not what you think dirty minds!!)- It means " Where the party at?"
SMHID – Scratching my head in disbelief (seriously what???)
LYLAS- love you like a sister
AYV – Are you vertical? (In which context am I ever gonna use that???)
WEG- wicked evil grin
SLAP – Sounds like a plan (quite handy for double meaning, WEG  ...Saw what I did there, eh!!) URTM – You are the man
AAK – Asleep at keyboard (then how r u typing, dude??)
W@ – What?
YIU - Yes, I understand
SWL – Screaming with laughter (I doubt that is even humanly possible)

Honestly I wonder how on earth do they remember so many acronyms for simple words!! Anyways I'm not complaining it's up to the people who use it and everyone works differently. With posting these weird acronyms, I take a leave and I hope U had an LOL moment by reading these just like me.  Until next time...

Have a wicked day, reader! 

WEG - Wicked Evil Grin
Love You Like A Siste
Love You Like A Siste

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