Tuesday, 20 January 2015

I wish...

Hey readers,

Turning 22 this week has had me not thinking but rather wishing things I could have. No, it is not something I wish to have as a gift but something I could have had education-wise. Don’t get me wrong, my parents gave me the best education that helps me think and ask questions like why and why not which I think is the only purpose of educating a person. To make people ponder on how and why the things work like they do- in short to get your thought process working is the purpose of education, rest is the easy road to travel. So today I’m going to state things I wish were different or that they were practiced when I was in school.

I wish we had more assistance from the education system for opting the correct career. Career is something one has to live with and for their entire life. It’s connected with the passion and desire that drives a person. To recognize such passion in young age where chatting on messaging platforms, hanging out with friends and being cool is more interesting than choosing the right career path is really difficult.

I wish that my school had more options than plain bland options like Commerce/ Science / Arts where we could choose individual subjects that entices us and venture more in self development of our inherent skills. A combined syllabus where I could learn physics along with literature and finance, rather than being defined by the stream of course that I have to opt.

I wish we had a Career Day somewhere in 7th/ 8th grade where people could guide us how we can transform our talents into career options and possible ways to pursue it. To know that there are different careers other than engineering, doctor, accountant or banking would have been a blessing and I bet there are many kids out there who are clueless about what they should pursue and worse cases are those who follow their friends or relatives’ career.

So for the parents, elder brothers and sisters, uncle-aunties... whoever is out there to care for the young minds of your family, help them find their passion. They might not know but they do need your guidance. Sometimes finding what their passion is difficult for kids because they don’t understand the depth of that word/ phrase.  Instead ask them to identify their favorite thing to do, something that gives them joy and for which they won’t mind taking time out from their schedules. For instance, Watching T.V is not a thing but loving to watch Witty advertisement can lead you to career option like making such ads. Search about it. Find out if it’s your cup of tea. If not then don’t fret, move on to another interest. You are too young and have enough time to stumble upon the correct one.

So I end my post by wishing you a good day and a very bright future ahead.

Have a quirky wicked day, readers !

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