Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Bad things happen after good things !

Hi readers!
 Has anyone ever said to you, "don't laugh too much, you will cry later in the day!” Yeah well, that's what has happened with me. Yesterday was beautiful; I was on cloud seven and couldn't sleep because I was happy, excited, nervous and anxious all at the same time. Until yesterday had someone asked me if I can feel all that together- at one time, I would have denied flatly! But trust me you can. I did! Those butterflies never stop flying in our stomach when you will have such a day! It was beautiful till this morning! Well after that I was dropped from cloud seven to the hard, rough and uncaring ground in a couple of seconds by a simple call from one of my friends. I was feeling like I could do anything...Have anything...But alas! Apparently my friend called to inform me that she got a message from the college this morning stating that due to lack of attendance she might not get entry in next semester! And here I'm waiting for my message to arrive. I mean professors should live our student's life...Try doing 3 courses altogether and then tell me if you have enough time to attend the college. I'm exhausted and sleep deprived and to add more burdens, we have villains like them. My heart goes out to all the students who have been struggling like me to maintain a balance and request colleges to at least have some consideration...we are trying here..!!! Well I hope the text comes in soon so that i can finally face my doom than sitting here in anticipation! I will let you know happened in next blog, till then...

Have a wicked day, readers! :)

1 comment:

  1. Things will turn out right girly! Dont worry much ok!
